When I gave birth my AMAZING doula repeated multiple birth mantras to me. Some I came up with and others she came up with. These helped me focus on what I was there to do and channel my energy into getting through the pain rather than focusing on the pain itself.
- Women choose to do this more than once
- I am a mammal, I was designed to do this
- Every push bring me closer to (insert the food/drink you can’t wait to be able to eat again – mine was a bleu cheese stuffed olive dirty martini)
- My vagina will open like a blossoming flower
- In a short time I will meet my baby
- I relinquish control to my body
- My baby knows how to be born
- This is not a bad pain (not suffering)
- This too shall pass
- Think Moses and the Red Sea
- Whatever happens I can rise to the occasion
- It’s ok to be “the weirdest” (for when you are afraid of being judged by those around you)
- If cavewomen can do it, so can I
Do you have a birth mantra you really like? Please, share bellow.
Birth Mantras